Current Affairs Essays


Category : Essays

I had never got an occasion to travel by air. Therefore when in August last, my father had to go to Delhi from Allahabad by a plane to attend an important meeting there,
I requested him to take me with him. And it was a great moment for me when he agreed. My joy knew no bounds. My long awaited dream was to be fulfilled soon.
We went in a car from Allahabad to aerodrome in the morning. Our seats had already been reserved. I saw a number of planes at the aerodrome. One plane just came to the ground when we reached. People got down from it in a very short time and the plane was ready for the flight again.
We put our luggage in the plane and took our seats. I had seen a plane from a distance and it always looked tiny while flying above in the sky. Hence, I had never thought that it was so big. The plane was standing on wheels. It had two large wings. I was getting impatient because I had to wait for ten minutes more. I was looking here and there in the plane with great curiosity. Finally my waiting period came to be over. Just at 8 o'clock the pilot started the engine. The plane began to run on the ground and soon it rose higher and higher. I was filled with joy as well as fear. Though I had tied myself with the seat belt like other passengers, and there was no chance to fall down, still I developed a fear of falling down. I caught my father's hand to get some courage. My father being habituated of air journeys, was sitting peacefully and told me to be normal. I tried my best to be normal and within a few minutes I got my confidence back.
I saw towns, villages, trees and fields passing below. The houses and trees looked very small. The men and animals looked like small dots. It was pleasant to fly over towns and cities like birds. Though it was hot on the land, but it was cool inside the plane.
I asked my father some questions about the plane. My father gave short answers. One of the passengers saw my curiosity. He explained everything in detail. I was very happy to know so many new things about the plane.
I saw the big city of Kanpur. I caught sight of the clouds of smoke rising from chimneys. We then passed over the towers of Taj Mahal and the Fort of Agra. Our plane did not stop at any place like train. Very soon large buildings come into my
sight. I asked my father about that city. I was surprised to know that it was Delhi. I had never expected to reach Delhi so soon. After five minutes our plane began to take round and round and soon it came down on the ground. Thus, I reached Delhi in two hours.
We got down. I saw Indira Gandhi airport. It was very big. I was very happy to enjoy my flight. It was my first flight so it became a memorable experience for me. I would always like to travel by air.

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