Current Affairs State

UP govt launches immunisation campaign against Filaria

Category : State

  Uttar Pradesh government is launching a massive immunisation campaign against the filariasis or Filaria. The central government has set the year 2021 as the deadline for complete eradication of filaria in the country. Filaria is spread by infected mosquitoes, especially through the parasitic Culex fatigans female mosquito. When this mosquito bites a person suffering from Filaria, it becomes infected. This campaign more than 65 thousand teams of health workers will distribute medicines to around 6.5 crore people till 10 December in 19 districts. There are 1.25 lakh cases of filaria in these 19 districts. This time these 19 district have been divided in double drug and triple-drug categories in which they will be provided DEC tablet, Albendazole and ivermectin.
Source: The News on AIR

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