Current Affairs Science Projects And Inventions

AC Electric Power

Category : Science Projects And Inventions

"Alternating current is like a torrent rushing violently over a precipice."
Thomas Edison, inventor
When Serbian immigrant Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) began work at Edison's DC (direct current) power plant in the United States, his new employer was not interested in his ideas for a new type of power—AC (alternating current). At the time DC was the only electrical supply, but it could only be transmitted across short distances before it lost power. To Edison, AC sounded like competition and he persuaded Tesla to work on improving his DC system by offering him & huge sum of money. But when Tesla had done what he had been asked, Edison reneged on his promise. Tesla resigned and returned to his AC power concepts,
DC power is constant and moves in one direction and the resistance in wires causes it to lose power over distance. AC power does not have this problem as it varies in current so the resistance is less, and yet it delivers the same amount of power. This made AC power more cost-effective, as fewer power plants were needed Entrepreneur George Westinghouse saw the potential of Tesla's AC power and bought his patents for AC motors. Edison began a propaganda war in an attempt to keep DC power on top, but it was inevitable that AC power would win. Almost all electricity around the world is now delivered as Tesla's AC power. 

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