Current Affairs Pharmacy

New tools for studying epigenetic processes will aid drug developers

Category : Pharmacy

Development of tools to study epigenetic processes is a major project undertaken by PerkinElmer, Inc. Now, PerkinElmer's epigenetic and post-translational screening tools cover nine different histone markers as well as the p53 tumour suppressor, with more than 15 validated enzyme assays to aid researchers developing novel drug compounds directed against several epigenetic enzymes, such as histone methyltransferases, demethylases, acetyltransferases and deacetylases. Dr Martina Bielefeld-Sevigny, Vice President and General Manager, Drug Discovery and Research Reagent Solutions Group, PerkinElmer, explained, "The development of novel therapies aimed at epigenetic drug targets has intensified over the last several years. PerkinElmer is excited to be in the forefront of this research by introducing a wide range of screening reagents that focus on assay selectivity, sensitivity and speed, factors which researchers indicate are critical requirements."

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