Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Types of Solids

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

A solid is that state of matter in which its constituent atoms or molecules are held strongly at the position of minimum potential energy and it has a definite shape and volume. The solids can be classified into two categories, crystalline and glassy or amorphous solids.

Comparison chart of Crystalline and Amorphous Solids
Crystalline solids Amorphous or glassy solids
The constituent atoms, ions or molecules are arranged in a regular repeated three dimensional pattern, within the solid. The constituent atoms, ions or molecules are not arranged in a regular repeated three dimensional pattern, within the solid.
Definite external geometric shape. No regularity in external shape.
All the bonds in ions, or atoms or molecules are equally strong. All the bonds are not equally strong.
They are anisotropic. They are isotropic.
They have sharp melting point. They don't have sharp melting point.
They have a long-range order of atoms or ions or molecules in them. They don?t have a long-range order.
They are considered true and stable solids. They are not regarded as true and stable solids.


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