Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Three / Four Consecutive Terms or Coefficients

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

(1) If consecutive coefficients are given: In this case divide consecutive coefficients pair wise. We get equations and then solve them.



(2) If consecutive terms are given : In this case divide consecutive terms pair wise i.e. if four consecutive terms be \[{{T}_{r}},\,{{T}_{r+1}},\,{{T}_{r+2}},\,{{T}_{r+3}}\]  then find \[\frac{{{T}_{r}}}{{{T}_{r+1}}},\,\frac{{{T}_{r+1}}}{{{T}_{r+2}}},\,\frac{{{T}_{r+2}}}{{{T}_{r+3}}}\] \[\Rightarrow \] \[{{\lambda }_{1}},\,{{\lambda }_{2}},\,{{\lambda }_{3}}\] (say) then divide \[{{\lambda }_{1}}\] by \[{{\lambda }_{2}}\] and \[{{\lambda }_{2}}\] by \[{{\lambda }_{3}}\] and solve.

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