Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Tautologies and Contradictions

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

Let \[p,q,r,....\] be statements, then any statement involving \[p,q,r\],....and the logical connectives \[\wedge ,\vee ,\tilde{\ },\Rightarrow ,\Leftrightarrow \] is called a statement pattern or a Well Formed Formula (WFF).


For example


(i) \[p\,\vee \,q\]


(ii)  \[p\Rightarrow q\]


(iii) \[((p\wedge q)\vee r)\Rightarrow (s\wedge \tilde{\ }s)\]


(iv) \[(p\Rightarrow q)\Leftrightarrow (\tilde{\ }q\Rightarrow \tilde{\ }p)\]etc.


are statement patterns.


A statement is also a statement pattern.


Thus, we can define statement pattern as follows.


Statement pattern : A compound statement with the repetitive use of the logical connectives is called a statement pattern or a well- formed formula.


Tautology : A statement pattern is called a tautology, if it is always true, whatever may be the truth values of constitute statements.


A tautology is called a theorem or a logically valid statement pattern. A tautology, contains only T in the last column of its truth table.


Contradiction : A statement pattern is called a contradiction, if it is always false, whatever may the truth values of its constitute statements.


In the last column of the truth table of contradiction there is always F.


  • The negation of a tautology is a contradiction and vice versa.

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