Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Sticking of a Block With Accelerated Cart

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

When a cart moves with some acceleration toward right then a pseudo force (ma) acts on block toward left.

This force (ma) is action force by a block on cart.

Now block will remain static w.r.t. cart. If friction force \[\mu R\ge mg\]

\[\Rightarrow \] \[\mu ma\ge mg\]                  \[[\text{As}\,R=ma]\]

\[\Rightarrow \] \[a\ge \frac{g}{\mu }\]  

\[\therefore \] \[{{a}_{\min }}=\frac{g}{\mu }\]

This is the minimum acceleration of the cart so that block does not fall.

and the minimum force to hold the block together

\[{{F}_{\min }}=(M+m)\,{{a}_{\min }}\]

\[{{F}_{\min }}=(M+m)\,\frac{g}{\mu }\]  

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