Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Number of Permutations Without Repetition

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

(1) Arranging \[n\] objects, taken \[r\] at a time equivalent to filling \[r\] places from \[n\] things.




The number of ways of arranging = The number of ways of filling \[r\] places.







(2) The number of arrangements of \[n\] different objects taken all at a time \[={{\,}^{n}}{{P}_{n}}=n!\]


(i) \[^{n}{{P}_{0}}=\frac{n\,!}{n\,!}=1;{{\,}^{n}}{{P}_{r}}=n\,{{.}^{n-1}}{{P}_{r-1}}\]


(ii) \[0\,!=1;\,\,\frac{1}{(-r)\,!}=0\] or \[(-r)\,!=\infty \,\,\,(r\in N)\]

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