Current Affairs JEE Main & Advanced

Advantages and Disadvantages of Friction

Category : JEE Main & Advanced

(1) Advantages of friction

(i) Walking is possible due to friction.

(ii) Two body sticks together due to friction.  

(iii) Brake works on the basis of friction.

(iv) Writing is not possible without friction.

(v) The transfer of motion from one part of a machine to other part through belts is possible by friction.

(2) Disadvantages of friction

(i) Friction always opposes the relative motion between any two bodies in contact. Therefore extra energy has to be spent in over coming friction. This reduces the efficiency of machine.

(ii) Friction causes wear and tear of the parts of machinery in contact. Thus their lifetime reduces.

(iii) Frictional force result in the production of heat, which causes damage to the machinery.  

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