Current Affairs 8th Class

Number System

Category : 8th Class





  • A number r is called a rational number if it can be written in the form \[\frac{p}{q}\], where p and q are integers and \[q\ne 0.\]

Example:- \[\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{3},\frac{2}{5}\] etc.

  • Representation of Rational Number as Decimals.
  • Case I :- When remainder becomes zero \[\frac{1}{2}=0.5,\frac{1}{4}=0.25,\frac{1}{8}=0.125\]

It is a terminating Decimal expansion.

  • Case II :- When Remainder never becomes zero.

Example:- \[\frac{1}{3}=.3333,\frac{2}{3}=.6666,\]it is a non - terminating Decimal expansion.

  • There are infinitely large rational numbers between any two given rational numbers.


  • Irrational Number:- The number which cannot be expressed in form of \[\frac{p}{q}\]and neither it is terminating nor recurring, is known as irrational number.

Examples:- \[\sqrt{2},\sqrt{3}\] etc.


Rationalization :- Changing of an irrational number into rational number is called rationalization and the factor by which we multiply and divide the number is called rationalizing factor.

Example:- Rationalizing factor of \[\frac{1}{2-\sqrt{3}}\] is \[2+\sqrt{3}\].

Rationalizing factor of \[\sqrt{3}+\sqrt{2}\,is\,\sqrt{3}-\sqrt{2}\]


Low of exponents for real numbers. 

  • \[{{a}^{m}}\times {{a}^{n}}={{a}^{m+n}}\]
  • \[\frac{{{a}^{m}}}{{{a}^{n}}}={{a}^{m-n}}\]
  • \[{{({{a}^{m}})}^{n}}={{a}^{mn}}\]
  • \[{{a}^{o}}=1\]


Some useful results on irrational number

  • Negative of an irrational number is an irrational number.
  • The sum of a rational and an irrational number is an irrational number.
  • The product of a non - zero rational number and an irrational number is an irrational number.


Some results on square roots

  • \[{{\left( \sqrt{x} \right)}^{2}}=x,x\ge 0\]
  • \[\sqrt{x}\times \sqrt{y}=\sqrt{xy},\,x\ge 0\,and\,y\ge 0\]
  • \[\left( \sqrt{x}+\sqrt{y} \right)\times \left( \sqrt{x}-\sqrt{y} \right)=x-y,(x\ge 0\,and\,y\ge 0)\]
  • \[{{(\sqrt{x}+\sqrt{y})}^{2}}=x+y+2\sqrt{xy},(x\ge 0\,and\,y\ge 0)\]
  • \[{{\left( \sqrt{x}-\sqrt{y} \right)}^{2}}=x+y-2\sqrt{xy},(x\ge 0\,and\,y\ge 0)\]
  • \[\frac{\sqrt{x}}{\sqrt{y}}=\sqrt{\frac{x}{y}},(x\ge 0\,and\,y\ge 0)\]
  • \[\left( a+\sqrt{b} \right)\left( a-\sqrt{b} \right)={{a}^{2}}-b,(b\ge 0)\]

\[\left( \sqrt{a}+\sqrt{b} \right)\times \left( \sqrt{c}+\sqrt{d} \right)=\sqrt{ac}+\sqrt{bc}+\sqrt{ad}+\sqrt{bd},\]\[(a\ge 0,b\ge 0,c\ge 0)\]


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