Current Affairs 8th Class

Animal Cell

Category : 8th Class

*     Animal Cell


The cell organelles in plant cell and animal cell are almost similar. However, there are few organelles, which are present in plant cell; but not found in animal cell and vice versa. For example, plastids and cell wall is present in plant cell, but not in animal cell. On the other hand, centrosomes and lysosome is present in animal cell, but not in plant cell.




*           Lyosome

It is also called cell vesicles. It is surrounded by a membrane that contains digestive enzymes, which digests the dead cell and destroy the foreign materials within the cell. The digestion of cell nutrient takes place within the lyosomes.


*           Centrosomes

It plays an important role in reproduction of cells and cell division within the organisms.





         Army of a country protects its border from the enemy and from any types of invasion from out side. Similarly, in our body we have the cells that protects our body from harmful materials or digest the dead cell within. Name the cells which perform this function for the cell.

(a) Ribosomes

(b) Lysosomes

(c) Centrosomes

(d) SER

(e) None of these


Answer: (b)


The digestive bag of the cell is Lysosomes.



          Henery plants some seedlings of same flowering plants in the garden. When the flowers start blooming in those plants, they are of different colours. Henery can not understand the reason for the different colours in flowers. Which cell organelle is responsible for this?

(a) Nucleus

(b) Plastid

(c) Cytoplasm

(d) Cell wall

(e) None of these


Answer: (b)


The different colours, which arises in plants is due to the presence of cell organelle plastids..

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