Our Safety and First Aid
Category : 3rd Class
Our Safety and First Aid
Our Safety and First Rid
Our body is like a machine performing different functions like walking, running and eating, etc. We should take care of ourselves by keeping safe from illness and injury.
We should follow safety rules at home, school, on the road and in the playground.
Some Safety Rules to be followed at Home
Safety Rules at School
Safety on the Road
First Aid
The immediate help given to an injured person is called first aid. If you get hurt, call for an adult immediately. If you see an injured person, do not crowd around him or her. Call a doctor or an adult to give first aid. In case of small cuts and wounds, wash the area with water and wipe it with an antiseptic lotion. Then put a bandage or tie a clean handkerchief and wait for the doctor to arrive. We should have a first-aid box in our house and in school. A first-aid box should contain an antiseptic lotion like Dettol, scissors, Band-Aid, gauze, crepe bandage, antiseptic cream, a bottle of methylated spirit, a tape, etc. If you see an accident, you must try to stay calm. It will help you to remember what you need to do at that time.
If a person has fainted, make him/her lie down for a while. Keep his/her head low to allow extra blood to reach the brain.
Insect Bite
Insect bites or stings are painful. To give relief apply a paste of baking soda and cold cream on the affected part. A soft pad soaked in ammonia water also gives relief. Apply calamine lotion if itching is there.
Bleeding Wounds
Do not panic or crowd around the injured person. Examine the cut carefully. If the person is badly hurt, take him or her to a nearby clinic. If the person is not badly hurt, make him lie down and call a doctor. In the meantime, try to control the bleeding.
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