Notes - Living and Non-living things
Category : 3rd Class
Living and Non-living Things
(a) Living things move:
Animals move from one place to another. Fish swim. Birds fly. Plants also show movement.
(b) All living things grow on their own:
Seeds grow and become trees. Babies grow into men or women. Egg grow to become hen.
(c) All living things need food:
To grow and live, living things need food. Without food living things cannot live and will starve to death.
(d) All living things breathe in and out:
Living things cannot live without air. They take in air through nose or gills or stomata
(e) All living things grow old and die:
A stone remains unchanged forever but we cannot. We grow old, become weak and die
(g) All living things reproduce:
Human beings give birth to babies. Animals either lay eggs or give birth to young ones.
(a) Non - living things do not have life.
(b) Non - living things cannot move on their own
(c) Non - living things do not breathe.
(d) Non- living things do not grow.
(d) Non - living things do not eat food and do not grow old and die.
(f) Non - living things do not feel.
(g) Non - living things do not reproduce.
The process by which living things produce their own kind is called reproduction. Only living things reproduce
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