Category : 3rd Class
Multiplication of 3 - digit numbers by 1-digit number:
Ex: Multiply 498 by 3.
8 ones x 3 = 24 ones = 2 tens + 4 ones
write 4 in the ones place.
Carry 2 tens to the tens place.
Step - 2: Multiply 9 tens by 3.
9 tens \[\times \] 3 = 27 tens
= 20 tens + 7 tens
= 2 hundreds + 7 tens
Carry 2 hundreds to the hundreds place.
Add the carried 2 tens to 7 tens.
So 7 tens + 2 tens = 9 tens,
write 9 in the tens place
Step - 3: Multiply 4 hundreds by 3.
hundreds x 3 = 12 hundreds.
Add the carried 2 hundreds to 12 hundreds.
So, 12 hundreds + 2 hundreds = 14 hundreds,
write 14 in hundreds place
Multiplication by TENS and HUNDREDS:
5 \[\times \] 10 = 5 \[\times \]1 ten = 5 tens = 50
7\[\times \] 30 = 7 \[\times \] 3 tens = 21 tens = 210
15 x 60 = 15 \[\times \] 6 tens = 90 tens = 900
8\[\times \]100=8\[\times \] 1 hundred = 8 hundreds = 800
9 \[\times \] 400 = 9 \[\times \] 4 hundreds = 36 hundreds = 3600
Multiplication by 2-digit numbers:
Ex: Multiply 36 by 25
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