- A fraction represents the part of a whole.
- The number above the bar is called NUMERATOR and the number below the bar is called
- To get equivalent fractions for a given fraction multiply its numerator and denominator by the same number.
- Fractions having equal denominators are called LIKE fractions.
- Fractions with unequal denominators are called UNLIKE fractions.
- If two fractions have the same denominator, then the fraction with greater numerator is greater fraction.

- If two fractions have the same numerator, then the fraction with smaller denominator is greater fraction.
- Sum of fractions having same denominator
\[=\frac{Sum\text{ }of\text{ }Numerators}{Denominator}\]
- Difference between two fractions having same denominator
\[=~\frac{Difference between Numerators}{Denominator}\]