12th Class Physics Electrostatics & Capacitance Question Bank Case Based (MCQs) - Electric Potential and Capacitance

  • question_answer
    The Change in electric potential energy of the proton for displacement from A to B is

    A) \[1\centerdot 6\times {{10}^{-11}}J\]

    B) \[0\centerdot 5\times {{10}^{-23}}J\]

    C) \[-1\centerdot 6\times {{10}^{-11}}J\]

    D) \[-3\centerdot 2\times {{10}^{-22}}J\]

    Correct Answer: C

    Solution :

    As \[\Delta U={{q}_{0}}\Delta V=\left( 1\,.\,6\times {{10}^{-19}} \right)\] \[\times \,\left( -1\,.\,0\times {{10}^{8}}V \right)=-1\,.\,6\times {{10}^{-11}}\,V\]

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