3rd Class
Notes - Birds and Their Nests
Notes - Birds and Their Nests
Category : 3rd Class
Birds and Their Nests
Many birds build nests. Different birds build different types of nests in different places with different types of materials.
In our India, birds mostly build their nests in the months of February and March before the summer and rains.
Birds build nests to lay, Tiatch eggs and reproduce young ones. They build nests to protect the young babies from heat, light, cold and rain.
Birds usually build their nests where enemies cannot harm them and where they can easily get their food.
Most birds build their nests on trees, in broken walls, old buildings, ventilators, etc.
Birds use grass, feathers, twigs, paper, old clothes, grass, cotton, wool, small leaves, etc., to build their nests.
Sparrow and pigeon make their nests on branches of trees, windows and ventilators of houses and other places with bits of straw, grass, eaves, pieces of clothes, cotton threads, feathers, etc.
A tailorbird makes its nest out of two or three large leaves. It uses its sharp beak like a needle to sew and join the leaves together with bits of wool, cotton or spider's web. The nest is lined with grass, thread and dried grass to keep it warm and cozy.
The weaverbird weaves a nest out of grass, finer strips of palm or banana leaves. The nest hangs down from a branch of tree and the entrance is from the lower end.
A woodpecker cuts a hole in the trunk of a tree with its sharp and hard bark. The hollow space is lined with chips of wood to make it cozy and warm.
A bulbul makes its nest with dry grass in hedges and bushes. Its nest is like a deep cup. The eggs and young birds do not fall out of it.
Vultures make big nests on tall trees with sticks. Their nests look like a shallow cup.
Penguins collect few pebbles and stones on the ground to make their nests.
Patridges and ducks dig holes in the ground with their beaks and feet to make their nests. They put some grass and leaves to keep the nest warm.
Owls build nests in the hollow of a tree or a wall and line it with feathers and grass.
Koels do not build nests and cleverly lay their eggs in a crow's nest. The mother crow hatches them as her own eggs and feeds them along with their own babies because they look quite alike.
When the nest is ready, mother bird lays the eggs. Mother bird and father bird sit on them to keep them warm. Father bird also protects the eggs from enemies. When the shell of the egg breaks and baby bird comes out they have no feathers and their eyes are closed. They are week. Mother bird feeds them. Parent birds teach them how to fly and gather food.