Changing Background Color
Category : 10th Class
The contents of the Web Page are always written inside thetag. The background colour of a web page is changed through the bgcolor attribute which is provided by HTML. The HTML element contains attribute as its characteristics, which generally modify the behaviour of that element. The attributes values are always given in double quotes. Syntax used for background colour attribute is:
<body bgcolor="value">
The value to the bgcolor attribute can be assigned either by specifying the hexadecimal value of the colour or by specifying the name of the colour. A (#) is put before the value, when the colour value is specified the hexadecimal notation. The following table lists some important colours along with their values in hexadecimal notation:
Color Hexadecimal Value
Black #000000
Red #FF0000
Parrot green #00FF00
Blue #0000FF
Yellow #FFFF00
Sky blue #00FFFF
Pink #FF00FF
Grey #C0C0C0
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