UPSC General Studies Solved Paper - General Studies-2015

  • question_answer
    With reference to Congress Socialist Party, consider the following statements.
    1. It advocated the boycott of British goods and evasion taxes.
    2. It wanted to establish the dictatorship of proletariat.
    3. It advocated separate electorate for minorities arc oppressed classes.
    Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

    A)  1 and 2           

    B)  Only 3

    C)  All of these       

    D)  None of these

    Correct Answer: D

    Solution :

    Exp. [d] Congress Socialist Party (CSP) was a left-wing group within the Congress. It was formed with Acharya Narendra Deva as President and Jay Prakash Narayan as General Secretary in 1934. The Congress Socialists belonged to the westernised middle class. They were influenced by the ideas of Marx, Gandhi and the Social Democracy of the West. They practised Marxian Socialism, Congress Nationalism and liberal democracy of the West. It adopted in principle the development of the economic life of the country to be planned by the state, state monopoly of foreign trade, organisation of cooperative societies for production, distribution and credit in the unorganised sector of the economic life. It adopted in principle the redistribution of land among the peasants, liquidation of debts owned by peasants and workers. To organise the workers and the peasants for their own economic upliftment as well as for carrying on the movement for the achievement of independence and Socialism. It adopted in principle, socialisation of key industries- insurance and public utilities, with a view to the progressive socialisation of the instruments of production, distribution and exchange. The state was to encourage and control cooperative and collective farming. Hence, option [d] is correct.

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