NEET Chemistry NEET PYQ-IUPAC and Isomerism

  • question_answer
    \[\overset{\begin{smallmatrix}  \odot - \\  \centerdot \,\,\centerdot  \end{smallmatrix}}{\mathop{C{{H}_{2}}}}\,-\underset{\begin{smallmatrix}  |\,\,\,| \\  O \end{smallmatrix}}{\mathop{C}}\,-C{{H}_{3}}\] and \[C{{H}_{2}}=\underset{\begin{align}   & | \\  & _{\centerdot }^{\centerdot }O\,_{\centerdot }^{\centerdot } \\  & \centerdot \,\,\centerdot  \\  & \odot - \\ \end{align}}{\mathop{C}}\,-C{{H}_{3}}\] are:  [AIPMT 2002]

    A) resonating structures

    B) tautomers

    C) geometrical isomers

    D) optical isomers

    Correct Answer: A

    Solution :

    [a] Structure I and structure II are the resonating forms because the position of atoms remains the same and only electron redistribution takes place.

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