SSC Sample Paper SSC CGL - Sample Paper-28

  • question_answer
    In respect of a bill of Rs. 10000 what is the difference between a discount of 40% and two successive discounts of 36% and 4%?

    A) Rs. 0                            

    B) Rs. 144

    C) Rs. 256             

    D) Rs. 400

    Correct Answer: B

    Solution :

    Two successive discounts \[=36+4-\frac{36\times 4}{100}=38.56%\] \[\therefore \] Difference between discounts \[=40%-38.56%=1.44%\] \[\therefore \] Required difference \[=10000\times 1.44%\]             \[\frac{=10000\times 1.44%}{100}=Rs.\,144\]

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