NEET Sample Paper NEET Sample Test Paper-76

  • question_answer
    Accordance to the human genome project, select the incorrect statement.

    A)  The goal of HGP was to identity or determine 3 billion chemical base pair

    B)  It was launched in 1980 2 completed in 1990

    C)  Two major approaches involved i.e., ESTs (Expressed Sequence Tags) and sequence annotation

    D)  SNPs or single nucleotide polymorphism occur in humans.

    Correct Answer: B

    Solution :

    HGP stands for Human Genome Project with a primary goal of determining the sequence of chemical base pairs which make up human DNA and of identifying and mapping the total genes of the human genome from both a physical and functional stand point. The HGP was launched in 1990 and completed in 2003.

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