NEET Sample Paper NEET Sample Test Paper-76

  • question_answer
    Which of the following order is correct regarding rate of diffusion of gases?

    A)  \[PC{{l}_{3}}>S{{O}_{3}}>S{{O}_{2}}>C{{O}_{2}}\]

    B)  \[C{{O}_{2}}>S{{O}_{2}} > PC{{l}_{3}} >S{{O}_{3}}\]

    C)  \[S{{O}_{2}}>S{{O}_{3}}>PC{{l}_{3}}>C{{O}_{2}}\]

    D)  \[C{{O}_{2}}>S{{O}_{2}}>S{{O}_{3}}>PC{{l}_{3}}\]

    Correct Answer: D

    Solution :

    \[\operatorname{Rate} of diffusion \propto \,\,\sqrt{\frac{1}{M}}\] As mass of molecule increases, rate of diffusion decreases         \[{{\operatorname{CO}}_{2}} \,S{{O}_{2}} \,\,S{{O}_{3}}\,\,\,\,PC{{l}_{3}}\] \[M\,\,=\,\,44~\,\,\,\,\,\,\,64\text{ }\,\,\,\,\,\,\,80\text{ }\,\,\,\,138.5\] \[\to \] mas of compound increases \[\to \] rate of diffusion decreases

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