NEET Sample Paper NEET Sample Test Paper-76

  • question_answer
    Which one of the following is correct order?

    A)  \[~-OH >-OR\left( order of -l effect \right)\]

    B)  \[-C{{H}_{3}} > C{{O}_{3}} > CC{{l}_{3}} \left( order of +l power \right)\]

    C)  \[-F> -OH > -N{{H}_{2}} \left( order of -l effect \right)\]

    D)  \[-NO - S{{O}_{2}}R - S{{O}_{3}}H - N{{O}_{2}} \left( set of\,\,meta\,\,directors \right)\]

    Correct Answer: C

    Solution :

    Problem is based on concept of Inductive effect and electronegativity of element. As F is most electronegative element with smallest size rather than ?OH and \[N{{H}_{2}}\] where O and N has larger size as well as lower electronegative than F. \[\,F~~~\,\,\,OH~\,\,\,~~N{{H}_{2}}\] Electronegativity decreases. \[\to \] Inductive effect decreases. \[\to \] Hence, correct order is [c]. While all other are conceptually very wrong.

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