NEET Sample Paper NEET Sample Test Paper-76

  • question_answer
    What is self-inductance of a coil which produces 5 V, when current in it changes from 3 A to 2 A in one millisecond.

    A)  5 mH              

    B)  5 H                 

    C)  50 H               

    D)  - 5 mH

    Correct Answer: A

    Solution :

    \[\frac{dl}{dt}=\frac{(2-3)}{{{10}^{-\,3}}}=-{{10}^{3}}\,A/s\] As,          \[e=-L\frac{dl}{dt}\] \[5=-L\left( -{{10}^{3}} \right)\] \[L=\frac{5}{{{10}^{3}}}H=5mH\]

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