NEET Sample Paper NEET Sample Test Paper-76

  • question_answer
    Two square metal plates of same thickness and material are connected in series as shown in figure. The length of B is twice the length of A. If resistance of A is represented by \[{{R}_{A}}\] and resistance of B is denoted by \[{{R}_{B}}\] then \[\frac{{{R}_{A}}}{{{R}_{B}}}\] is  

    A)  1                                

    B)  2                     

    C)  \[\frac{1}{2}\]                         

    D)  None of these

    Correct Answer: A

    Solution :

    If l and d be length and thickness of plate A, then \[{{R}_{A}}=\rho \frac{l}{a}=\frac{\rho l}{l\times d}=\frac{\rho }{d}\] and   \[{{R}_{B}}=\,\frac{\rho \times 2l}{2l\times d}=\frac{\rho }{d}\] \[\therefore \,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\frac{{{R}_{A}}}{{{R}_{B}}}=1\]

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