NEET Sample Paper NEET Sample Test Paper-76

  • question_answer
    If a faulty thermometer has its fixed points marked as \[5{}^\circ  and 95{}^\circ \]. If the temperature measured by the faulty thermometer is \[59{}^\circ \], then the correct temperature of the body on Celsius scale is

    A)  \[30{}^\circ C\]                       

    B)  \[60{}^\circ C\]

    C)  \[120{}^\circ C\]                     

    D)  None of these

    Correct Answer: B

    Solution :

    If, \[{{T}_{C}}\] is the correct temperature on celsius scale then, \[\frac{{{T}_{C}}-0}{100}=\frac{x-lower\,\,fixed\,\,po\operatorname{int}}{upper\,\,fixed\,\,po\operatorname{int}-lower\,\,fixed\,\,po\operatorname{int}}\] \[\frac{{{T}_{C}}}{100}=\frac{59-5}{95-5}=\frac{54}{90}=\frac{3}{5}\] \[{{T}_{C}}=\frac{300}{5}=60{}^\circ \]

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