A) Peshwa
B) Sumant
C) Pandit Rao
D) Sachiv
Correct Answer: B
Solution :
[b] Shivaji's Ashtapradhan (Council of Eight Ministers):(i) The peshwa or the chief minister: He looked after general administration. |
(ii) The amatya or majumdar: He was responsible for finance, state's income and expenditure. |
(iii) The sachiv or shuru nawis: He was responsible for all correspondence. |
(iv) The sumant or dabir: He worked as foreign minister and was responsible for correspondence with other kings. |
(v) The Senapati or san-i-naubat: He was not the commander in chief but looked after recruitment, training and discipline of the army. |
(vi) The mantri or waqia nawis: He was responsible for the personal safety of the king. |
(vii) The nyayadhish: He was responsible for administration of justice. |
(viii) The dhanadhyaksha or the pundit raw He had two responsibilities- [a] looking after charitable work, and [b] working for the moral uplift of the people. |
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