Which of the following statements is/are correct about" the 'Climate Change and India: a 4x4 assessment', a report released by the Union ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF)? |
I. The report has the Himalayan region, the North-East, the Western Ghats and the Coastal areas as its focus areas |
II. The report has been prepared by the Delhi based Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) |
III. The report forecasts' the impact of climate change on agriculture, water, health and forests in four eco-sensitive regions |
A) I only
B) I and II only
C) II only
D) I and III only
Correct Answer: D
Solution :
[d] "Climate Change and India; A-IX4 Assessment-A sectoral and regional analysis for 2030s", prepared by the Indian Network for Climate Change Assessment (INCCA) provides an assessment of impact of climate change in 2030s on four key sectors of the Indian economy, named' Agriculture, Water, Natural Ecosystems & Biodiversity and Health in four climate sensitive regions of India, namely the Himalayan region, the Western Ghats, the Coastal Area and the Northeast Region. The report was released by the Union ministry of environment and forest (MoEF) in November 2010. INCCA is a network-based programme that brings together 120 institutions and 220 scientists from across the country to undertake scientific assessments of different aspects of climate change. India may get warmer by 1.7-2.2 degrees Celsius in the 2030s with respect to the 1970s with an overall warming in the four climate-sensitive regions, namely, the Himalayan region, the Western Ghats, the coastal areas and the northeast region. More, extreme temperatures are expected to increase by 1 -4 degrees Celsius, with the highest rise in coastal regions. Also, the extreme maximum and minimum temperatures are projected to increase by the 2030s. The report says key sectors like water, forests, health and agriculture will be affected in a major way due to the increase in net temperature by 1.7--2.2 degrees in another 20 years in the four climate hotspots. Besides, it predicts an increase in precipitation (rain, snow and storm) in the eco-fragile areas of the Himalayas, Northeast, Western Ghats and the Coastal region. The report noted the sea level along the coast has been rising at 1.3mm/ year and is likely to keep doing so, with a decrease in the frequency of cyclones in the 2030s, though cyclonic intensity would increase. Food and natural calamity concerns: On agriculture, the report says irrigated rice in all the regions are likely to gain in yields marginally due to warming, though there will be stress on livestock. Hence, milk productivity would fall. Moderate to extreme drought severity is projected in the 2030s for the Himalayan region. All the four regions are likely to experience flooding. On health the report predicts malaria would spread in new areas in Jammu and Kashmir in the Himalayan region while in the northeast, opportunities for malaria transmission are likely to increase for a longer period.You need to login to perform this action.
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