A) It deals with the correct pronunciation and recitation of Vedic hymns
B) It deals with the rituals and is very important for the reconstruction of history
C) It is important source of Panini's Ashtadhyayi and Patanjali's Mahabhashya
D) It deals with etymology i.e., the study of origin and development of the words
Correct Answer: B
Solution :
[b] Kalpa Sutra: It deals with the rituals and is very important for the reconstruction of history. It has four parts; [a] Srautasutra: It is related to Vedic scarifices; [b] Grihasutra: It is related to marriage, funeral, relation etc. It was composed between 600-300 B.C. (Pre Buddhist). It is the oldest text, which mentions about the sacrifices, or fire place in the house; [c] Dharamsutra: It is a manual of human conduct and is the source of various laws. It deals with the sacred and secular laws and administrations. It tells us the duties of a king aad the four varnas and their social obligations, customs and practices of everyday life compiled by various Rishis like Gautam, Vashistha, Baudhayana, Apasthamba, Hiranya, Keshin and Harita; and [d] Sulvasutra: It is related to the designing of the sacrificial pot and contains early reference of Geometry.You need to login to perform this action.
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