A) 20 members of Lok Sabha and 10 members of Rajya Sabha
B) 30 members of Lok Sabha and 15 members of Rajya Sabha
C) 25 members of Lok Sabha and 10 members of Rajya Sabha
D) 10 members of Lok Sabha and 5 members of Rajya Sabha
Correct Answer: B
Solution :
[b] Parliamentary Committees are of two kinds: Ad hoc Committees and the Standing Committees. Each of these Standing Committees consists of not more than 45 members-30 to be nominated by the Speaker from amongst the members of Lok Sabha and 15 to be nominated by the Chairman, Rajya Sabha from amongst the members of Rajya Sabha. A Minister is not eligible to be nominated to these Committees. The newly constituted departmentally related Standing Committee System is a path-breaking endeavour of the Parliamentary surveillance over administration. With the emphasis of their functioning to concentrate on long-term plans, policies and the philosophies guiding the working of the Executive, these Committees will be in a very privileged position to provide necessary direction, guidance and input for broad policy formulations and in achievement of the long-term national perspective by the Executive.You need to login to perform this action.
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