A) The committee chairman presents his report
B) The dissenting report is submitted
C) The Bill is discussed clause by clause
D) No substantive amendment to the Bill is proposed
Correct Answer: D
Solution :
[d] A Bill is the draft of a legislative proposal. It has to pass through various stages before it becomes an Act of Parliament. The legislative process starts with the introduction of a Bill in either House of Parliament-Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha. A Bill can be introduced either by a Minister or by a private member. In the former case it is known as a Government Bill and in the latter case it is known as a Private Member's Bill. It is necessary for a member-in-charge of the Bill to ask for leave to introduce the Bill. If leave is granted by the House, the Bill is introduced. This stage is known as the First Reading of the Bill. After a Bill has been introduced, it is published in the Official Gazette. Even before introduction, a Bill might, with the permission of the Speaker, be published in the Gazette. After a Bill has been introduced, Presiding Officer of the concerned House can refer the Bill to the concerned Standing Committee for examination and make report thereon. If a Bill is referred to Standing Committee, the Committee shall consider the general principles and clauses of the Bill referred to them and make report thereon. The Committee can also take expert opinion or the public opinion who are interested in the measure. After the Bill has thus been considered, the Committee submits its report to the House. The report of the Committee, being of persuasive value shall be treated as considered advice given by the Committees. The Second Reading consists of consideration of the Bill which is in two stages. The first stage consists of general discussion on the Bill as a whole. If a Bill is referred to a Select/Joint Committee, the Committee considers the Bill clause-by-clause just as the House does. Second Stage: The second stage of the Second Reading consists of clause-by-clause consideration of the Bill as introduced or as reported by Select/Joint Committee. Discussion takes place on each clause of the Bill and amendments to clauses can be moved at this stage. Thereafter, the member-in-charge can move that the Bill be passed. This stage is known as the Third Reading of the Bill. At this stage the debate is confined to arguments either in support or rejection of the Bill without referring to the details thereof further than that are absolutely necessary.' Only formal, verbal or consequential amendments are allowed to be moved at this stage.You need to login to perform this action.
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