A) Ashok Mehta
B) R. C. Majumdar
C) S.N. Sen
D) Y. D. Savarkar
Correct Answer: D
Solution :
[d] When the Government of India set up an editorial Committee to author a history of the freedom struggle of India, R. C. Majumdar was its principal member. But, following a conflict with the then Education Minister Maulana Abul Kalam Azadon the Sepoy Mutiny, he left the government job and published his own book. The Sepoy Mutiny & Revolt of 1857. According to him the origins of India's freedom struggle lie in the English educated Indian middle-class and the freedom struggle started with the Banga Bhanga movement in 1905. His views on the freedom struggle are found in his book History of the Freedom Movement in India.You need to login to perform this action.
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