A) Third
B) Fifth
C) Seventh
D) Eighth
Correct Answer: D
Solution :
[d] 8th five year plan (1992-97) was based on the model of John W. Miller suitable for liberalized economy, objectives of Five Years plan First Five Year Plan (1951 -1956) Objective: Development of Agriculture Sector. Model: Harrold-Domar Model Second Five Year Plan: (1956-1961) Objective: Development of Industrialization, mainly Heavy Industries, Model: P.C. Mahalanobis Third Five Year Plan: (1961-1966) Objective: Self-Reliant and Self - Generating Economy. Model: John Sandy and Chakravarthy Model Fourth Five Year Plan (1969-1974) Objective: Growth and Stability and progress towards Self Reliance. Model: Ashok Rudra and Alien S Munne Fifth Five Year Plan (1974-1979) Objective: Garibi Hatawoo and Self Reliance. Model: D.D. Dhar Sixth Five Year Plan: (1980-1985) Objective: Employment Generation and Poverty Reduction. Model: Planning Commission Model Seventh Five Year Plan: (1985-1990) Objective: Modernization, Self-justice, Growth and Self Reliance. Model: Planning Commission Model with Special Emphasis on liberalization Eight Five Year Plan: (1992-1997) Objective Human Resource Development, Employment creation, Control of Population and Modernization. Model: John W. Miller (Also called Rao Manmohan Model) Ninth Five Year Plan (1997-2002) Objective: Growth and social justice equality. Model: Planning Commission Model Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-2007) Objective: Growth with emphasis on Human Model/ Increase in literacy rates Model: Planning Commission Model Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-2012) Objective: Fast and inclusive growth and electrification of all villages. Model: Planning Commission Model 12th Five Year Plan (2012-2017) Objective: faster, sustainable and more inclusive growth.You need to login to perform this action.
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