A) Wheat
B) Rice
C) Cotton
D) Soybean
Correct Answer: D
Solution :
[d] A transgenic crop plant contains a gene or genes which have been artificially inserted instead of the plant acquiring them through pollination. Soybeans and corn account for 80% of GM areas world-wide. India has the fourth largest area planted under genetically modified (GM) crops, according to the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech. Significantly, the entire 11.57 mh GM crop area in India last year consisted of Bt cotton. Nearly 96 per cent of the country's cotton area is now covered by Bt hybrids. Bt technology has helped India to treble its cotton output from 13 million bales in 2002 (when it was introduced) to 40 million bales in 2014.You need to login to perform this action.
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