SSC Geography Sample Paper NCERT Sample Paper-3

  • question_answer
    Consider in following
    Hills Region
    1. Cardamon Hills Coromandel Coast
    2. Kaimur Hills Konkan coast
    3. Mahadeo Hills             Central India
    4. Mikir Hills              North East India
    Which of the above pairs are correctly matched?

    A)  1 and 2

    B)  2 and 3

    C)  3 and 4

    D)  2 and 4

    Correct Answer: C

    Solution :

    [c] Cardamom Hills are in Kerala while Coromandel is in India's eastern coast along Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. Kaimur Hills are in Madhya Pradesh. Mahadeo Hills are in central India (M.P) and Mikir Hills are in Assam i.e. north east India.

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