A) Domes and rolling plains
B) Dome and volcanic cones
C) Dome and marshy area
D) Dome and soft earth zone
Correct Answer: B
Solution :
[b] The first streams to be initiated on a newly emerging coastal plain are consequent stream forming a parallel drainage pattern. The longest stream of the whole system of consequent stream is called master consequent. Most of the streams draining the coastal plains of India are the examples of consequent streams such as Narmada River. The most ideal landscapes for the origin and development of consequent drainage system are dome and volcanic cones as these streams follow the natural slope. Consequent streams are divided in two types longitudinal consequent (which follows the axis of the depression or syncline in a folded structure) lateral consequent (which follows the sides of the depressions or the sides of the anticlines).You need to login to perform this action.
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