SSC General Science & Technology Sample Paper NCERT Sample Paper-3

  • question_answer
    Freshly passed urine has hardly any smell but when it is allowed to stand, it develops a strong ammonical odour owing to:

    A)  Conversion of urea to ammonia via urea cycle

    B)  Conversion of urea to ammonia by bacteria

    C)  Conversion of uric acid and urea to ammonia

    D)  Conversion of uric acid, urea and creatinine to ammonia

    Correct Answer: B

    Solution :

    [b] Typically in healthy people urine does not have an odor and it is clear, straw yellow. The lack of odor and pale colour are due to the consumption of sufficient amounts of water and the emptying of the bladder at regular intervals. While fresh urine has very little smell, stale urine can develop a strong odor as bacteria begin to break down the urea into ammonia.

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