A) Cyber platform for aggregation and sharing information on agriculture
B) This is a pest which attacks wheat
C) A kind of agricultural technology which is practiced in Canada
D) The name given to shitting cultivation which is practiced in Australia
Correct Answer: A
Solution :
Agropedia is an online knowledge repository for information related to agriculture in India. It includes universal meta models and localized content for a variety of users with appropriate interfaces built in collaborative mode in multiple languages. This national portal, designed as an "agricultural Wikipedia" hosts wide range of agricultural information on a variety of crops, with an aim to empower farmers with crop information. Backed by Government of India and sponsored by the World Bank through the National Agricultural Innovation Project of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), the open access online resource project was launched on 12 January 2009. Eventually it aims to use weekly alerts from scientists on different crops, to send text messages to farmers across India.You need to login to perform this action.
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