How West Coastal Plain of India is different from the East Coastal Plain? |
(i) The west coastal plains are submerged coast while the east coastal plains are mostly emergent type |
(ii) The western plain has more or less a straight coast while the eastern plain has indentated coast. Select the correct answer from the code given below: |
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Both i and ii
D) Neither i nor ii
Correct Answer: A
Solution :
West Coastal Plain: Located between the Western Ghats and the Arabian Sea coast. It is a narrow plain (average width-64 km). It is drained by several short and swift streams which are unable to form deltas. There are several lagoons especially in the southern part of this plain. The western plain has an indentated coast which supports many ports. It is a submerged coast and hence tilting has left no scope for deposition action of the river. East Coastal Plain: Located between the Eastern Ghats and the Bay of Bengal coast. It is comparatively broader (average width 80-100km). Big rivers like the Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna and Cauvery have formed large deltas. Lagoons are comparatively less in this) plain. The eastern plain has more or less a straight coast where good ports are lacking. It is mostly of emergent (type, characterized by offshore bars, fine sea beaches, sand ridges and lagoons.You need to login to perform this action.
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