A) Ganesh Ghosh
B) Chandra shekhar Azad
C) Surya Sen
D) Lala Hardayal
Correct Answer: C
Solution :
[c] On April 18, 1930, there was an attempt to raid the armory of the Police and Auxiliary forces from the Chittagong armory in Bengal. The leader of this conspiracy & raid was Surya Sen. Apart from Surya Sen, these patriots included Ganesh Ghosh, Lokenath Bal, Nirmal Sen, Ambika Chakrobarty, Naresh Roy, Sasanka Datta, Ardhendu, Dastidar, Harigopal Bal, Tarakeswar Dastidar, Ananta Singh, Jiban Ghoshal, Anand Gupta, Pritilata Waddedar and Kalpana Dutta. The idea was to capture the two main armories in Chittagong and then demolish the Telegraph and telephone office. It was to be followed by the assassination of Europeans. The plan was put into implementation on the night of April 18, 1930. On that night, the armory of the police was captured by Ganesh Ghosh. Lokenath Bal took over the Auxiliary Force armory. But the ammunition was not located. They dislocated the telephone and telegraph communications and disrupted the movement of the trains. 65 people executed this conspiracy in the name of Indian Republican Army. After everything was done, all the revolutionaries gathered outside the police armory where Surya Sen took a military salute, hoisted the National Flag and proclaimed a Provisional Revolutionary Government. After that they fled to the hills. They were pursued by the Police; surrounded by the British Indian Army in the Jalalabad Hills. There was an encounter. Surya Sen was successful in fleeing. The revolutionaries who were arrested in Chittagong were captured and trailed and 12 people were deported for life. In February 1933, Surya Sen was arrested by the Police because of a tip off. He was trailed and hanged in the January 1934.You need to login to perform this action.
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