A) diminish to one-eighth of its initial value
B) increase to eight times of its initial value
C) increase to four times of its initial value
D) diminish to one-fourth of its initial value
Correct Answer: B
Solution :
\[r=k\,[{{O}_{2}}]{{[NO]}^{2}}.\] |
When the volume is reduced to \[1/2,\] the cone. will double |
Concentration \[=\frac{\text{no}\text{.}\,\,\text{of}\,\,\text{moles}}{\text{volume}}\] |
\[\therefore \] New rate \[=k\,[2{{O}_{2}}]\,{{[2NO]}^{2}}=8k\,[{{O}_{2}}]\,{{[NO]}^{2}}\] |
The new rate increases to eight times of its initial. |
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