Consider the following statements about humidity. |
1. Absolute humidity represents the actual amount of moisture present in the air. Absolute humidity remains constant with change in temperature. |
2. Relative humidity is the ratio between the amount of moisture, which the air can hold at a given temperature and the amount it actually holds. Relative humidity increases with increase temperature, while it decreases with decrease in temperature. |
Which of the statements) given above is/are correct? |
A) Only 1
B) Only 2
C) Both 1 and 2
D) Neither1nor 2
Correct Answer: D
Solution :
[d] Specific humidity is the ratio of the weight of water vapour (gm) to the weight of air (kg) expressed as grams per kilogram of air. It represents the actual amount moisture present in the air. Absolute humidity is ratio between the weight of vapour per unit volume of air expressed as gram per cubic metre of air. It varies with expansion and contraction of air even though the water vapour remains constant. Relative humidity is the ratio between the amount of water moisture which the air can hold at a given temperature And the amount it actually holds. It is expressed as a percentage (%). It has inverse relationship with temperature. Relative humidity=\[\frac{1}{temperature}\] i.e. relative humidity decreases with increase in temperature while it increases with decrease in temperature.You need to login to perform this action.
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