Consider the following statements. |
1. Terai region is made up of stones and pebbles. It is so highly porous that rivers disappear in this region. |
2. In Bhabhar region, rivers re-emerge and this region is very marshy. This is the region of dense forests and high biological diversity. |
3. Khadar region is made up of new alluvium. |
4. Bhangar region is made up of old alluvium. |
Which of the statements given above are correct? |
A) 1 and 2
B) 3 and 4
C) All of these
D) None of these
Correct Answer: B
Solution :
[b] Bhabhar Region This region is found along the foothills of Shiwalik from Indus to Tista without any break. Since, it is made up of stones and pebbles, it is so highly porous that rivers disappear in this region. Terai Region This region is found to the South of the Bhnbhar region, Due to the very high humidity caused due to the re-emergence of rivers, this region is very marshy. The speed of river flow in this region is slow. This is the region of dense forests and high biological diversity. Khadar Region It is made up of newer alluvium. In this region, floods bring newer alluvium every year. Bhangar Region It is that higher part of the plains, where flood water cannot reach. It is made up of old alluvium.You need to login to perform this action.
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