A) higher plants which controls growth and development in general
B) plants to control growth and physiological functions at the site of its productions
C) higher plants controlling growth and development at a site for removed from the site of its production and are effective only when present in large quantities
D) higher plants controlling physiological and growth functions at a site quite removed from the site of its production and is effective when present even in minute quantities
Correct Answer: D
Solution :
[d] Phytohormone is a naturally produced organic substance in higher plants controlling physiological and growth functions at a site quite removed from the site of its production and is effective, when present even in minute quantities. They are organic compounds and are capable of influencing physiological activities leading to promotion, inhibition and modification of growth. They are broadly grouped under five major classes namely, auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, ethylene and abscisic acid. Other related plants hormones are jasmonic acid, salicylic acid and brazen steroids. Some vitamins also regulate the growth of the plants.You need to login to perform this action.
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