Consider the following statements regarding 2011 census. |
1. Kerala has registered the lowest growth rate of population in 2011 census. |
2. The Northern part of the India has recorded high growth rate of population than Southern India. |
3. The decadal growth rate of India's population is recorded higher than previous census. |
Which of the statements given above are correct? |
A) 1 and 2
B) 1 and 3
C) 2 and 3
D) All of these
Correct Answer: A
Solution :
[a] Kerala has registered the lowest growth rate 9.4 in the country during 2011 census. A continuous belt of states from West to East in the North-West, North and North central parts of the country has relatively high growth rate than the Southern states. 2001-2011 has recorded the lower growth rate of population (17.64%) than 1991-2001 which was (21.15%).You need to login to perform this action.
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