Answer the following questions |
(a) How did Kari save the life of a boy? |
(b) Why did Soapy's first plan not work? |
(c) Discuss the peculiarity about the customer who bought the doves. |
(d) The bear grew up but "he was most amiable bear?. Give three examples to prove this. |
(e) A well-developed space programme was difficult to sustain in the present time. Why? |
(a) Kari found a boy drowning in the river. He went into the water. He called his master who was collecting luscious twigs for his dinner. The author immediately ran to the site and saw Kari in the river. When Kari saw his master he came out and pushed him into the river. The master found a boy at the bottom. He dragged him up to the surface, where he was pulled out by the elephant by his trunk. (b) Soapy?s first plan was to go and eat in a restaurant and then tell them that he had no money to pay so he would be given to a cop. This plan did not work because when he tried to enter the restaurant the waiters blocked his entry. (c) The man who purchased two doves from the shop and, after stepping out of the shop, he stared at his purchase for a few moments and then let loose both the doves. (d) The bear was quite sincere and kind-hearted as: (i) It never harmed anybody. (ii) It used to play with children, dogs etc. (iii) It kept on sitting at one place when the lady left him tied on Sundays. (e) There was an extreme energy shortage in the present time because the demand of energy had increased many times. Again underground living made it difficult to continue a well-developed space programme because a few resources were required in this programme.
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