Arrange P, Q, R, S, T to give the correct sequence of the following story. |
P: But the age of kings are gone. People now a days are busy struggling for living in this fast competitive world. They have no time left for flying kites. |
Q: Bill had been a very popular kite-maker. In his younger days, he was known all over for his art of making kites. He was so famous that even the King of the land used to purchase kites from him and paid him much money. Bill was very happy and lived a peaceful life. |
R: During those days people were not so hard pressed with time. Also open spaces were available for kite flying. Even, at times, King would participate in the noble sport of kite flying. |
S: No one comes to purchase kites from Bill anymore. He has become poor. People now see him with indifference, like any roadside object. |
T: He had many patrons. People used to visit his house to ask about his health. |
E) None of these
Correct Answer: C
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