SSC Quantitative Aptitude Boats & Streams Question Bank Train and Boat (II)

  • question_answer
    A man can row three-quarters of a kilometer against the stream in \[11\frac{1}{4}\]min and return in \[7\frac{1}{2}\]min The speed of the man in still water is

    A) 2 km/h

    B) 3 km/h

    C) 4 km/h

    D) 5 km/h

    Correct Answer: D

    Solution :

    [d] Distance covered upstream in\[\frac{45}{4}\min =\frac{3}{4}\,km/h\] Distance covered upstream in 1h \[=\left( \frac{3}{4}\times \frac{4}{45}\times 60 \right)\,km/h=4\,km/h\] Distance covered downstream in \[\frac{15}{2}\,\min \,=\frac{3}{4}\,km\] Distance covered downstream in \[1\,h=\left( \frac{3}{4}\times \frac{2}{15}\times 60 \right)\,km/h=6\,km/h\] Speed of the man in still water \[=\frac{1}{2}(6+4)\,km/h=5\,km/h\]

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